Leyendo «Apprenticeship Patterns» (2)

Sobre comunidades. Negrita mía.

As your group grows, feel free to explore a wide and bizarre range of topics until you have a core group of irregulars. Over time, that self-selected group of irregulars will define the nature of your group. You won’t always have the same people attending every fortnight—that’s what makes them irregulars. Groups like the Extreme Tuesday Club have a few hundred “members”; on any given Tuesday there will only be a dozen or so people in attendance. If your group becomes large enough and energetic enough, it will sustain itself even when you are not there. That’s when you know you have a community.

Leyendo «Apprenticeship Patterns» (1)

Estoy leyendo Apprenticeship Patterns, de Dave Hoover y Adewale Oshineye. Es un libro que me recomendó Arturo Herrero, cosa que le agradezco (también le debo una lista de mis lecturas, que no tardará demasiado). La versión online y comentada del libro está disponible de forma gratuita.

A lo largo de los próximos días, voy a ir citando los párrafos que más me han llamado la atención. Éste es el primero.

Expertise is a by-product of the long road we’re all on, but it is not the destination. Over the course of their journey, craftsmen will work with countless technologies and domains. If, through necessity or interest, they Dig Deeper and develop expertise in one or more of these technologies, so much the better. This is to be expected, just as the runner training for a marathon develops stronger leg muscles. She’s not training to have strong legs; she’s training to run. Like the motivated developer who after working on a Python project for two years achieves a deep knowledge of Python, the marathon runner’s strong leg muscles are a means, not an end.

Me parece un párrafo que resuelve muy bien la aparente diconomía entre especialistas y generalistas.