Autor: Bianka Hajdu
‘Tina Rosenberg on Kidneys in Iran, by David Henderson’
«Then there’s the issue of, well, you know, this is really dangerous work and you are exploiting the poor by taking advantage of their poverty to lure them into doing this for money. And some people go so far as to say we shouldn’t allow poor people to donate kidneys. We should only allow middle class people to donate kidneys. And the response I think to that is people do dangerous things for money all the time. There’s a lot of jobs that are pretty dangerous, and people wouldn’t take them unless they felt the money was worth it. Donating a kidney is far less dangerous than many other jobs. So, what’s wrong with that?»
En Econlog revisitan el podcast sobre el mercado de riñones de Iran. Muy recomendable.
Artículo original: Tina Rosenberg on Kidneys in Iran, by David Henderson
En el siglo XIX. New Bedford, Massachusetts, era un hub de la industria de la caza de ballenas y vio el desarrollo de estructuras empresariales y modelos de negocio diferentes a las «Compañías de Indias».
Artículo original: Fin-tech
Tomada en: Taberna Antigua Casa De Guardia
El metro de Málaga es un tranvía
Tomada en: Málaga, Spain
Los gatitos triunfarán
Capullo II
Capullo I
Thank you Mailchimp for the lovely socks!
Unos calcetines muy MONOS.
‘Short and sweet’
Any director making a movie about modern finance faces two huge difficulties. The first is that there is nothing very dramatic or compelling about someone typing at a computer screen. The second is that the language of finance, full of acronyms and jargon, can be quite impenetrable.
Este artículo es una reseña de la película basada en el libro «The big short» (que quiero ver) pero de paso menciona prácticamente toda la oferta de Hollywood en temática financiera. Hay mucho más aparte de El lobo de Wall Street.
Artículo original: Short and sweet